Welcome From the Principal
Welcome to Pearl Cohn High! I am honored to be the Executive Principal of Pearl Cohn; my goal is to continue the outstanding student support work being done in the classrooms, hallways, and administrative offices at Pearl. In addition, it is also my goal to engage our community in supporting our students as they strive to meet their academic, social emotional, and career and college goals.
At Pearl we know that high school is the spring board to our students' adult lives. It is with great urgency and transparency that we work with parents, businesses, and the four neighboring colleges in ensuring successful pathways for our students.
We have high expectations for our students and will help them achieve these expectations by offering dual enrollment, career certifications in our academies, and advanced placement courses. We offer authentic experiences beyond our classrooms and school walls. We are committed to supporting our students athletically and offer them enriching club experiences.
We know it takes a village to help students succeed and perhaps our greatest goal this year is to fully engage our families, our neighborhoods, and our surrounding communities. Students achieve more when they are supported by family and community partnerships, and when they view school as a place where they feel safe, cared for and supported.
You can help us in our endeavors by providing input to our faculty and staff and be engaged in your child's school experience and the Pearl Cohn Family. Come for parent and partner meetings, ask about our work, walk through our halls, plan with us and your child, and attend school events! Help us continue P.C. P.R.I.D.E. in all aspects of Pearl Cohn High!
Dr. Miriam Harrington
Executive Principal